Thursday, 8 August 2024

Ditch planting started

 There is probably a better name for it but I call it the ditch which runs between our property and the road. It's a big slop that has a lot of grass and weeds, along with bare patches where the soil is getting washed away in heavy rain.

A couple of months ago I started with this little section and it has held up well so far, to be fair we haven't had any heavy rain (or light rain really) so the true test will come in summer. I don't water it often because I don't want to cart watering cans out here or waste our precious water in a spot that just runs straight into the ditch. Survival of the fittest for this "garden". Ultimately we want the grass gone as it is not easy for Ray to whipper snip along here.

I'm also trying to not spend too much money out here so random rocks and sticks are creating little terraced sections to hold and soil and plants so they don't slide down the hill.

The dead tree is supporting a dragonfruit I planted a year ago, it could really do with more consistent watering, it's surviving - definitely not thriving! Otherwise I've randomly planted things quite close together so they can outcompete the grass, and spread lots of roots to hold the soil in place.

So far I've got coreopsis, a ponytail palm, dogbane, geranium, gazania, petunias, cineraria, some aloe from the neighbours and some plants mum gave me. All in all they're still alive, not doing a whole lot, but that's the same for the grass and most of my plants. 

Winter will be over soon, the rain will start and everything will grow faster than I can keep up. Hopefully it looks amazing soon so I can share an update - you'll be able to tell the difference between the mulch and the grass once it's all green!

And these little pardalotes are making a nest in the culvert right next to this garden, they're insect eaters so I'm sure they will appreciate the new garden.

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