Tuesday 12 April 2022


 I have an elderberry that wasn't meant to be planted in the ground, but it chose to root through it's pot so for now it is staying!

It is quite a lovely plant but my little fence to stop Archie getting into my vegetable garden is falling down - helped by the elderberry growing through it! Soon I'll get to that section of the garden and it will have to come out, but until then I have taken cuttings so I can grow it along my back fence. I'm hoping it will help prevent the neighbours smoke blowing into our house!

Now while I've always had elderberry in pots they've never produced enough for me to do anything with the berries so I've just left them for the birds. Obviously it's happy being in the ground because it's been so productive the birds aren't eating them all.

All those tiny berries don't look like much now they're all dried out. The dried ones can be used to make a syrup that is beneficial for your immune system. If I get enough fresh ones I'll attempt the cordial and jam recipes I've seen.

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